You read that right! you can pay no municipal taxes for up to five years! A three year tax exemption is available to any business that has constructed a new building or facility, or made substantial improvements or expansions to an existing building. Businesses in Agri value/processing, greenhouse technology, geothermal energy, renewable energy, or manufacturing/warehousing are eligible for another two years of 100% tax exemption. Terms and conditions apply.
New or growing businesses who choose to construct a new building or facility within Estevan may be eligible for 3 consecutive years of a 100% tax exemption from the the date of the development permit. Terms and Conditions Apply.
A new entity purchasing an existing vacant building within Estevan for the purpose of conducting commercial business in entitled to a property tax exemption of up to $10,000 per year for 3 consecutive years. Terms and Conditions Apply.
Any new organization renting or leasing an existing vacant building for the purpose of establishing and conducting commercial business within the city of Estevan, who enter into a triple-net lease with the building owner, are entitled to a property tax exemption of a maximum of $10,000 per year for 3 consecutive years. Terms and Conditions Apply.
Businesses operating in the six investment priority areas as identified by the Economic Development Board are entitled to an additional two years of tax exemption.
Please download and complete the application form . Completed application forms can be submitted either by email, fax, mail or in person to :
Phone: (306) 634-2721
Email: [email protected]